"White Feather", the name I have for this particular Chickadee because of his unusual two white feathers on his right back, is continuing to excavate a circular hole begun and abandoned by a Woodpecker abotu 8 feet up a broken tree trunk. When he and his mate finished, this nest actually had a heart shapped opening. Tooooo cute.
I am a Wildlife Artist, and more. I love Nature, and am always in awe of how wonderfully intricate life is. The balance of all living forms is so perfect, delicate, marvelously complex, interdependent and precarious. I want to slow folks down on their "stay-fit" jaunts through our woodlands, and cause them to see more wonders all around them. In turn, caring more.
Currently at my web site (www.bkjstudio.com) I am without a web master and working on learning to edit my web site myself. This is the reason for this Blog and request for your patience ;o). Thanks folks!